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Pearl Hawaii Credit Union
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Pearl Hawaii Credit Union
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Volunteer at Pearl Hawaii Federal Credit Union


Why Volunteer?


Pearl Hawaii Federal Credit Union is committed to building, strengthening, and enhancing the lives of you, our members. We rely on volunteers from our membership to come together for the sole purpose of representing the best interest of our members… this is essentially the difference between credit unions and banks.

As a volunteer, you have the opportunity to share your knowledge, experience, skills, and talents- all in a team effort alongside the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and the Senior Management.

What is expected of volunteers?


Choosing to volunteer requires a commitment to the credit union movement and philosophy. Additionally, you must be open to grow your knowledge in the finance industry and your understanding of industry related compliance. Volunteering on the Board of Directors or on the Supervisory Committee should not be taken lightly. It is a serious commitment of time and dedication. Volunteers are committed individuals who assume fiduciary responsibility, do not receive compensation, require hours of time commitment, and are expected to attend regular meetings.






Please email or call 808.73.PHFCU (737.4328)